Dr. Sarojini Gangurde
Category : Healing
Would like to share my healing experience. Though I need lot of practice I tried healing a patient yesterday.
Yesterday I had to leave home early morning but attended my 50yrs neighbour as he had severe giddiness. His blood pressure was 150/ 100. Later bit ok.
During the day. They visited family doctor who after checking said all ok and sent him back with few tonics.
When I reached home late night. I saw that he still having severe giddiness, losing balance etc and blood pressure again was 150/100.I referred him to a nursing home. Doctor found mild heart attack and also said possibly brain damage and referred to Ambani hospital at 1 am. I spoke to his wife and then gave distant healing at 1.30am. of course reading our book.
Morning I called her to enquire and visit to hospital. But she said all scans and second ECG normal. We came back home and patient is all right.
Felt good to hear it!!!