Category Archives: Training

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Kalyani Sawant

Category : Meditation , Training

Atma Namaste !!!

There’s so much more you achieve when you study Pranic Healing than just a certificate. You gain knowledge, confidence, and for me the best part was finally realising what I want to achieve within ‘Myself ‘.

A life of self imposed limitations, doubts, anger, anguish – that was my life until I decided to pursue Pranic Healing in February this year (2017). After Pranic Healing I am a totally different person. My attitude towards myself has changed tremendously (all for good ). My attitude towards other people’s behavior which used to bother me and trouble me once has changed. They say ‘When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your Power is !!!
I highly recommend this course to anyone whether you have experienced it or not.This course is great for everybody.I would like to thank everyone associated to Pranic Healing, My special heartfelt gratitude to Master Choa and my teacher, friend and guide Me Rajani Yadav.
For me now it’s time to just be happy in helping others in anyway I can. I feel good at heart. I feel I’m the chosen one so Pranic Healing happened to me Being angry, sad and over thinking isn’t worth it anymore

You never know who needs You.

Good energy is Contagious !!!